CSTA Virginia was established as your local computer science community. This chapter was built to connect you with other computer science teachers, provide professional development to help you improve your craft, and connect your local voice to the national computer science education community.
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CSTA Virginia Chapter President
Arrykka Jackson
I am a 3rd grade teacher for Norfolk Public Schools and I live in Chesapeake, VA. I love having my students use Scratch Jr. to storyboard, sequence, and represent story elements. I have been in CSTA for 4 years and served as the CSTA Tidewater Treasurer before accepting this role of state president.
I love a good street taco and margarita mocktail! I also have the gift of calming friends' anxiety by discussing the neurology of the brain.

CSTA Virginia Chapter Co-Vice President
Michelle Pealo
I am a K-2 Computer and Coding Teacher for Isle of Wight Public Schools and I live in Carrollton, VA. I am also the coach for my school's WHRO/ODU Great Computer Challenge Team. I have been in CSTA for 4 years and my previous position was CSTA Tidewater Vice President.
I am always busy driving my daughter to all of her activities and I enjoy watching butterflies in my garden.

CSTA Virginia Chapter Treasurer
John Chapin
I am currently a high school CS teacher in Loudon County, VA and have been active in CSTA for many years.

CSTA Virginia Chapter Secretary
Tosha Penkrot
I'm a Technology Resource Teacher/Innovation Coach at Portsmouth Public Schools and I love it! Teaching critical thinking skills, computational thinking, and the Virginia CS Standards of Learning have really become a passion of mine. Before that, I was a Library Media Specialist for 23 years. I have been a member of CSTA for 4 years and for those 4 years I served as the CSTA Tidewater Secretary. I am so excited to see our Virginia chapter grow!
I'm orginally from Dayton, Ohio and I lived in Kuwait for 14 years before I made Suffolk, Virginia my home. I love to travel and I love wine and I REALLY love to travel for wine. The Shenandoah Valley, the Alsace region of France, or that little road side $8 a bottle shack on the side of the road in North Carolina-that's where you will find me! During the pandemic I studied and received my Sommelier certification just in case this whole education gig dries up!